Avian Influenza

Current situation

Last updated 10 February 2025

Agriculture Victoria has confirmed the presence of avian influenza at a poultry property in northern Victoria, which has now been placed into quarantine.

Diagnostic testing performed by the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness at Geelong confirmed high pathogenicity H7N8. This is a different virus than the strains detected in Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory in 2024, which have been eradicated. This is not the H5N1 strain that is impacting other parts of the world.

A restricted area of roughly 5 km has been placed around the infected property within a wider control area in place across Strathbogie Shire to the east of the Goulburn Valley Highway, to prevent movements that could spread the virus.

Any suspicion of an emergency animal disease (EAD) should be immediately reported to the 24-hour EAD Hotline on 1800 675 888 or to your local vet.

Consumers should not be concerned about eggs and poultry products from supermarkets – they do not pose a risk and are safe to consume.

While cases among humans in direct contact with animals infected with high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses are possible, the current risk to the public remains low. Find out more about avian influenza in humans from the BetterHealth Channel.










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OFFICIAL: Avian Influenza Industry Update – 19 November 2024

Good afternoon everyone,

Agriculture Victoria continues to work with the owners of infected properties, farmers in the control area, and the wider industry to support business continuity while minimising the risk of disease spread.

Control Area Order updates:

  • From Tuesday, 19 November 2024 the Meredith Control Area has been significantly reduced in the north and east and trimmed in the south to remove all the town of Bannockburn.
  • Properties that remain in the Meredith control area still require permits for moving birds, poultry products, and equipment.
  • Permits are not required for vehicles transporting poultry feed in the Meredith control area as long as they meet biosecurity requirements.

View the media release


  • Eight properties were confirmed to have a high pathogenicity H7N3 and H7N9 strains of avian influenza earlier this year.
  • Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral infection of birds. Serious forms of the disease caused by high pathogenicity (disease-causing) avian influenza viruses can result in severe illness and sudden death in poultry.
  • On 7 November the control area order for avian influenza around Terang was lifted.    Permits are no longer required to move birds, poultry products and equipment in or around Terang.


Quarantine status update:

  • Four impacted properties have now had their quarantine status lifted.
  • Four properties remain under quarantine and Agriculture Victoria is continuing to work with the businesses to ensure the virus is fully eradicated and the farms can safely resume commercial operations.
  • The remaining properties under quarantine have been cleaned and disinfected and are currently undergoing a fallow period or have sentinel birds on site throughout November and December to confirm the absence of disease.

Report cases of unexplained bird deaths:

Poultry farmers, backyard flock and bird owners are urged to continue to be vigilant and report any cases of unexplained bird deaths to:

  • Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 (Monday–Friday, 8 am – 6 pm)
  • The Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888 which operates 24 hours per day.


Quick links:

  • Access current situation, movement controls and background information on the Agriculture Victoria website
  • Permits facilitate movement of eggs, live chickens and egg products into and out of and through the Meredith Control Area Order. To apply for a permit, fill out this online form (using this guide if you need help)
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • Follow us on X

Kind regards,


Rachel Jacobson

Communications and Engagement Officer – avian influenza | Agriculture Victoria

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

M: 0436 814 241 | Erachel.jacobson@agriculture.vic.gov.au

Workdays | Monday-Thursday



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We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and their Elders past and present as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit to genuinely partnering with them and Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their aspirations.

OFFICIAL: Avian Influenza Industry Update – 7 November 2024

Rachel E Jacobson (DEECA)    2024-11-11 12:29

Good afternoon everyone,


Welcome to the new Avian Influenza Industry Update distributed by the project-based response team.


Agriculture Victoria continues to work with the owners of infected properties, farmers in the control area, and the wider industry to support business continuity while minimising the risk of disease spread.

Project-based response:

  • On 31 October, after 163 days, the 2024 avian influenza emergency response transitioned to a project-based response team within Agriculture Victoria.

Control Area Order updates:

From Thursday, 7 November 2024:

  • The Control Area Order for avian influenza in the Terang area has been removed.
  • The Control Area Order for avian influenza around Meredith remains in place.
  • Properties within the Meredith control area still require permits for moving birds, poultry products, and equipment.

The removal of the Control Area Order for the Terang area means that permits are no longer required for moving birds, poultry products and equipment.

View the media release.

Quarantine status update:

  • On 26 September a commercial poultry farm at Meredith became the first of the eight infected properties to have its quarantine lifted.

o   The farm was quarantined in June after the detection of the H7N3 strain of avian influenza.

o   After extensive cleaning and disinfection, sentinel birds were introduced to monitor biosecurity before full operations could resume.

  • The remaining properties under quarantine have been cleaned and disinfected and are currently undergoing a fallow period or have sentinel birds on site throughout November and December

    to confirm the absence of disease.

    Report cases of unexplained bird deaths:

    • Agriculture Victoria continues to urge poultry farmers, backyard flock and bird owners to report any cases of unexplained wild, pet or farmed bird deaths to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888.

    Quick links:

    • Access current situation, movement controls and background information on the Agriculture Victoria website
    • Permits facilitate movement of eggs, live chickens and egg products into and out of and through the Meredith Control Area Order. To apply for a permit, fill out this online form (using this guide if you need help)
    • Follow us on Facebook
    • Follow us on X


    Kind regards,


    Rachel Jacobson

    Communications and Engagement Officer – avian influenza | Agriculture Victoria

    Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

    M: 0436 814 241 | Erachel.jacobson@agriculture.vic.gov.au

    Workdays | Monday-Thursday



    Facebook | Twitter | Linkedin | Instagram | YouTube



    We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and their Elders past and present as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit to genuinely partnering with them and Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their aspirations.